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Monday, June 5, 2017


Stoup (n)- a vessel for holding holy water

This week, I bring you, a poem!

In reverence of the spring

Sloping clearing
as if pulled by the gravitas
yearns toward yonder hollow
where through grasses parted and boughs disentangled
one discovers a humble temple
nestled into the forest shade
a canopy of verdigris a living crown

Beams like fallen pillars
grown hoary with moss and fern
ford a path to diminutive altar
sanctum sanctorum
a pool of lucid water
bubbling forth from the earth

Peer over the walkway's edge
See the ground murmurs, sways, sighs
a stream is proffered from unseen depths
and swells to the surface

A hopeful upwelling, an offering of existence
from the sacred to the
not profane
just ordinary
For this spring in its niche
sustains the ordinary
lives of people in the village
nurtures gardens
feeds fish ponds
cleanses children
and defeats thirst

Oh the taste of meek exsurgence!
Savour is an insufficient sentiment
It hearkens to ancient rocks
to gravel debris
of caverns under mountains
yet is every fresh.
Reviving more than body
rehydrating the spirit
Restoring umbilicus to Earth
and gurgling ever forth

1 comment:

  1. I love this thank you for posting it!
